BASE jumping :: @ BLiNC Magazine | |
- Moab Utah: Current Conditions : 58.5F, Clear - 4:22 AM MDT Sep. 5
- Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France: Current Conditions : 9C, Thunderstorm - 12:00 PM CEST Se
- Arco, Italy: Current weather: Partly Cloudy
- Lysebotn, Norway: Current weather: Partly Cloudy
- Wingsuit: National Geographic Documentary 2014 Flying Man with Wingsuit Documentary H
- John Ray Foster
- Shaun Otto
- Eric Plassard
- Abraham Cubo Lopez
- Maria Shipilova
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Snow - 11:00 AM CEST Sep. 5
- Arnaud Dumasdelage
- Julien Fourgeaud
- Adam Rubin
- Zachary Sommer
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Sunday Night as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Sunday as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Saturday Night as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Saturday as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Friday Night as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Friday as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Rain - 10:00 AM CEST Sep. 5
- Twin Falls Idaho: Current Conditions : 45F, Clear - 1:53 AM MDT Sep. 5
- Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland: Current Conditions : 15.1C, Light Rain - 10:03 AM CEST Se
- Jurij Graciov
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Rain - 9:00 AM CEST Sep. 5
- Brian Stout
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Snow - 8:00 AM CEST Sep. 5
- Dick Pedley
- Speedflying Video: Speedflying Mt Hutt range
- Marilyn Ettema
- Anton Knestyapin
- bfl-153
- Aude-Marianne Beretucchi
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Rain - 7:00 AM CEST Sep. 5
- bfl-154
- Herbert Weissmann
- Wolfgang Wolle Baumer
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : 0C, Rain - 6:00 AM CEST Sep. 5
- Ricki Wust
- bfl-238.jpg
- bfl-237.jpg
- bfl-236.jpg
- bfl-234.jpg
- Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : 0C, Rain - 5:00 AM CEST Sep. 5
Moab Utah: Current Conditions : 58.5F, Clear - 4:22 AM MDT Sep. 5 Posted: 05 Sep 2014 03:22 AM PDT Temperature: 58.5°F | Humidity: 75% | Pressure: 29.90in ( Falling) | Conditions: Clear | Wind Direction: SE | Wind Speed: 1.0mph More... |
Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France: Current Conditions : 9C, Thunderstorm - 12:00 PM CEST Se Posted: 05 Sep 2014 03:22 AM PDT Temperature: 9°C | Humidity: 83% | Pressure: hPa (Rising) | Conditions: Thunderstorm | Wind Direction: East | Wind Speed: 18km/h More... |
Arco, Italy: Current weather: Partly Cloudy Posted: 05 Sep 2014 03:22 AM PDT |
Lysebotn, Norway: Current weather: Partly Cloudy Posted: 05 Sep 2014 03:22 AM PDT |
Wingsuit: National Geographic Documentary 2014 Flying Man with Wingsuit Documentary H Posted: 05 Sep 2014 03:09 AM PDT |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:50 AM PDT Date: June 30, 1986 Nationality: Australian Object Type: Earth Location: Trollspiret - Troll Wall (Trollveggen), Romsdalen, Norway COD: Impact Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: Ray (Australian) is an experienced skydiver (2,700 jumps) making his first BASE jump. He launched head down, lost control, deployed unstable and hit the wall. This is Trollveggen's fourth BASE fatality. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:44 AM PDT Date: August 17, 2014 Nationality: Australian Object Type: Earth Location: Le Brevent, France COD: Impact Clothes / Suit: Wingsuit Description: Shaun was nearing the end of a three-month BASE tour in Europe. He was an experienced wingsuit BASE jumper flying Line 2 at Brevent, with several jumps from this exit the previous season, flying the same line and others. This year, he was flying a new suit known to have flight characteristics that differ from his previous suit. One of the notable differences, when comparing the two suits, is how a pilot would fly a very steep line, such as those found at Brevent. Shaun was hyper-current this season, on his current suit; however, it was said that he did not have as much experience flying this particular suit at the highly aggressive angles required to fly the Brevent lines. While turning left above line 2, he began a hard dive to get down to the terrain. Shaun stopped his dive around 3-4 meters above the line, just before a slight right turn, where it appeared he exposed too much of the top surface of his wing to the relative wind, causing a downward force on his flying. To counter this, Shaun made an abrupt change in his angle of attack, which resulted in a high-speed stall, where he lost stability and tumbled to impact. |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:39 AM PDT Date: August 17, 2014 Nationality: French Object Type: Earth Location: Mt Grainier, France COD: Impact Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: The jumper in question Had a Running exit off the Granier in slick, first impact was on the ledge which is 250-300m down. He pitched but way too late and impacted just when the canopy left the container. He died at the first impact. He Continued to fall and dive and impacted twice again before the canopy completely Opened but with a 180 and finished at the bottom of the cliff in amongst the scree on the talus. |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:37 AM PDT Date: August 16, 2014 Nationality: Spanish Object Type: Earth Location: ITW, Brento, Italy COD: Impact Clothes / Suit: Wingsuit V4 Description: Abraham exited solo in his V4 with leg pouch PC and was flying a technical line. About 15/20 seconds later jumpers watching him from the exit point began swearing in shock and said he panic pulled just before reaching the Zebrata/climbing wall and had disappeared behind it. He died on impact. Abraham will be missed by many jumpers as he has been in the Base scene for the last few years always smiling and enjoying his time in the Mountains.. |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:33 AM PDT Date: August 11, 2014 Nationality: Russian Object Type: Earth Location: Brento, Italy COD: Cliff Strike Clothes / Suit: Tracking suit Description: The jumper had arrived by herself for this base trip, She had previously 70 base jumps and this was her first jump of the trip (and last of her life unfortunately). She did a good exit , front flip, followed by poor unstable track, pulled having a bad body position , line twists , slow to react and cliff strike ! Died immediately This jump happened late in the afternoon roughly 9pm and the winds were beyond the measures they have in place for this site... The site rules are there for peoples protection please follow them and don't be in a rush to jump because it is getting dark.... |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Snow - 11:00 AM CEST Sep. 5 Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:31 AM PDT Temperature: -1°C | Humidity: 99% | Pressure: hPa (Rising) | Conditions: Snow | Wind Direction: South | Wind Speed: 2km/h More... |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:31 AM PDT Date: August 6, 2014 Nationality: French Object Type: Earth Location: Pic du Midi d'Ossau, Pyrenees / Ossau, France COD: Impact Clothes / Suit: Wingsuit P2 Description: Arnaud just arrived in southern France with his family to spend some vacations. He was excited and really motivated to jump with the locals. The weather forecast for wednesday was good for pic du Midid'Ossau on the french side of the Pyrénées so we decided to go there. Arnaud hadplanned to use his phantom 2 and this was suited to the jump (proper exit,expected glide ratio on the line ok, a few backup landings on the way, it waseven possible to complete the line under canopy if needed). Arnaud had startedbase jumping in 2004 and was an experienced jumper. He was in shape (running often and some climbing) but it was a while since his last jump. After a short night we started to hike at 5h15. We werethe first ones that day to reach the top at 9h15. We found the exit ratherquickly, we had a rest and we decided to jump because some clouds were startingto grow. We had some north-west wind (around 10 and 15 km/h at 2880m) but theoverall conditions were excellent. We started together (1,80m/80kgs/Phantom 2vs1,76m/64kgs/Vampire 4) and 10s later I was flying right above him but80mhigher. He looked quite low for me but I was not sure based on that kindof visual. After 30s we reached 50% of the line, the distance between uswas around 150m at that moment and he was a bit ahead (meaning good speed forthe P2). When we reached 75% of the line I saw him opening and halfa second later hitting some trees. I was thinking about opening as welland landing close to him but that part of the talus was not appropriate forlanding so I finished the flight and landed on the targeted field. Network wasnot available for my carrier so I went away to call the rescue team not knowing if he was ok, wounded or even worse. He was found dead on the crash site by the rescueteam.Later on that day, I've been able to watch his footage. Rightafter the exit he was already low (Around 120m to the ground) and then he wasslowly and regularly loosing altitude. Based on the footage and the visual itwas obvious that he won't clear the end of the talus and he had plenty of timeto open safely. Unexpectedly he kept flying and going down instead of opening.He tried to open when he was around 20m from the ground. Maybe he didn't want to hike too much to get down, maybehe was not jumping regularly enough to realize he was in a bad situationright after the exit, maybe he wanted to enjoy the ride as long as he could,maybe he had some kind of brain lock, maybe a bit of all of this, his behaviorhere is almost inexplicable. He had plenty of time to evaluate his trajectoryand to open safely but he did not do it, he waited for the last moment to openbut it was too late. He was really happy to be in the mountain that day,hiking with a smile and enjoying the scenery like a kid. All my thoughts are going to his family and friends. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:28 AM PDT Date: August 6, 2014 Nationality: French Object Type: Earth Location:Derivator, Magland, France COD: Impact Clothes / Suit: Tracking suit Description: The jumper in question exited unstable and impacted the wall only a few seconds after exiting , killing him instantly... Julien was a much loved person by many in the world he has a page here if you would like to say something.. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:26 AM PDT Date: August 1, 2014 Nationality: American Object Type: Earth Location: Rigbys, Twin Falls, Idaho, United States COD: Cliff Strike Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: The incident was basically an off heading opening resulting in a strike. The jumper was able to give rear riser input and correct heading, but when he released the riser the canopy dove forward (Away from the cliff) and surged him into an underhung portion of the rock below the opening area. He then slid the remainder (approx. 200 feet ) Of the distance to the ground . First aid and CPR were rendered at the scene, but he was pronounced dead by emergency responders shortly thereafter (still at scene) bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 02:24 AM PDT Date: July 17, 2014 Nationality: American Object Type: Earth Location: Silverton, Oregon, United States COD: Impact nothing out Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: He was going off alone at the top, had ground crew at the bottom, but nobody knows for sure what happened. Zack was an experienced jumper, and had recently been to Malaysia, where he had made 40+ jumps, most with aerials. He was a confident but generally conservative jumper, had sound judgment, and was current. His last jump at this site had been a gainer, but he been frustrated by some off-axis rotation on the jump and wanted to try it again. This evening, due to winds he likely exited from an area that makes the jumper bend down a little bit on exit. It appears that he either stalled or had a slow over-rotation, possibly from the awkward exit position. The pilot chute was extracted, but the pins were not pulled, suggesting either bridle wrap or late pull. Additionally, he had placed his stash bag on his back with the rig over top (big-wall style). This stash bag had an elastic adjusting strap in the middle that had ~6 inches of free slack when the bag was empty. The elastic line was pulled taut when he was found, and so he may have inadvertently pulled the line with his PC, delaying the extraction of his PC. The site itself is a very dark area, and the ground lighting has not been recently replaced. I believe the moon was low on the horizon or already set, not offering a lot of light. Aerials can be disorienting on a sunny day, and with the low light of this site, it's possible that he lost orientation or lost altitude awareness during the rotation. Zack was a very well-liked jumper, a great guy, and someone who I admired for his strength and perseverance. He'll be sorely missed. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Sunday Night as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:50 AM PDT |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Sunday as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:50 AM PDT |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Saturday Night as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:50 AM PDT |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Saturday as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:50 AM PDT |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Friday Night as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:50 AM PDT |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Forecast for Friday as of Sep. 5 2:00 AM CEST Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:50 AM PDT |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Rain - 10:00 AM CEST Sep. 5 Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:50 AM PDT Temperature: -1°C | Humidity: 97% | Pressure: hPa (Rising) | Conditions: Rain | Wind Direction: ESE | Wind Speed: 17km/h More... |
Twin Falls Idaho: Current Conditions : 45F, Clear - 1:53 AM MDT Sep. 5 Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:10 AM PDT Temperature: 45°F | Humidity: 58% | Pressure: 30.01in (Steady) | Conditions: Clear | Wind Direction: South | Wind Speed: 9mph More... |
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland: Current Conditions : 15.1C, Light Rain - 10:03 AM CEST Se Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:10 AM PDT Temperature: 15.1°C | Humidity: 99% | Pressure: 1018hPa (Rising) | Conditions: Light Rain | Wind Direction: NE | Wind Speed: 0.0km/h More... |
Posted: 05 Sep 2014 01:03 AM PDT Date: July 03, 2005 Nationality: Russian Object Type: Earth Location: Chartreuse, France COD: Strike (Canopy) Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: Below is an internet translation from a French BASE jumping web site. Right now it sounds like a turn on opening and a wall strike. Our friend died yesterday morning in the Chartreuse Nature Park. He exited last of a group of five people. He may have hit a plateau during deployment, ending up dead under canopy. Jurij had completed several hundred BASE jumps. We lost a dear friend, and the Foreign Legion lost a brother-in-arm.. New Update from his brother: this is a short video about him. I'm very appreciated u for keeping memories about this great people: bfl-footer footer BFL |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Rain - 9:00 AM CEST Sep. 5 Posted: 05 Sep 2014 12:20 AM PDT Temperature: -1°C | Humidity: 98% | Pressure: hPa (Rising) | Conditions: Rain | Wind Direction: SE | Wind Speed: 15km/h More... |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 11:43 PM PDT Date: June 15, 2002 Nationality: American Object Type: Span Location: Perrine Bridge, Twin Falls, Idaho, United States COD: Impact Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: This is the first Perrine Bridge BASE fatality and the second to occur in the Twin Falls area. The following is from a letter I received from Brian's father. In respect for a father who has lost a son, I'm printing it here just as he wrote it. There is speculation on your list about a rubber band packing error. I must tell you that there were two official investigations concerning Brian's death. Neither one mentioned a rubber band error theory or even came close to speculating about it. In fact, Brian gave his mother the rubber band that he was using for the packing of the pilot chute just moments before he jumped. He jokingly made a comment to her that leaving the rubber band in the pack job could very well ruin a good day. What we have are the facts: Brian was using a 38 pilot chute, a 6' ft 9" in bridle; went stowed for the very first time on his fatal jump; was assigned a 1.5 second delay, was on his 12th BASE jump, and was on a big 8-way coordinated jump at the Perrine when he was killed. His pilot chute was in tow and opened just point four (.4) seconds before he hit the water. His canopy was not extracted from his container. He was killed on impact. The people who have made the speculation comments are people who are feeling guilty about Brian's death and are trying real hard to find a reason for his death that makes them feel less guilty. Bottom line: Brian should not have been on that load with his obvious inexperience going stowed with a 1.5 second delay with the gear configuration that he was using. The people on that load and Brian's friends who brought him into BASE jumping are the ones who let him down and allowed him to use equipment that was not right for that jump (considering all the complexities of the jump that I have mentioned). I don't guess you would allow my speculation just presented above to be on your list. Therefore, I am asking that you remove the speculation comments about the rubber band packing error from the list as well. The family is very sensitive about this issue. And it is just totally wrong. He was 24 years old. Posting from father: The video has leaked onto the internet of this incident: If you have a picture of this jumper please contact us bfl-footer footer BFL |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Snow - 8:00 AM CEST Sep. 5 Posted: 04 Sep 2014 11:30 PM PDT Temperature: -1°C | Humidity: 100% | Pressure: hPa (Falling) | Conditions: Snow | Wind Direction: SE | Wind Speed: 18km/h More... |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 11:08 PM PDT Date: December 17, 1989 Nationality: American Object Type: Building Location: Century City, California, United States COD: Object Strike (Canopy) Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: Dick is an experienced skydiver (6000+ jumps) and a respected early freefall photographer in Southern California. He took up BASE jumping late in life after making one legal El Capitan jump back in the early days. He is the oldest person to receive a BASE number (at the time) and had 26 BASE jumps when he is killed. Dick's last jump is via buddy assist (someone holding his pilot chute) that resulted in line twists. Dick first struck a steel cable hanging by the side of the building before suffering a very hard building strike. In looking at the gear later it appeared one toggle, which Dick had wrapped in tape to form big open loops, had released in the initial strike with the cable adding to the speed of the second impact. Dick isn't wearing a helmet. This fatality brought to light the need for BASE body armor, i.e. helmets, and pads and the necessity for a secure toggle system. Dick's fatality is also the first one on BASE specific gear. Dick is wearing a Velcro closed BASE rig and all previous BASE fatalities have been on skydiving rigs, either pure or modified for BASE. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Speedflying Video: Speedflying Mt Hutt range Posted: 04 Sep 2014 11:00 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 10:49 PM PDT Date: April 26, 1986 Nationality: New Zealand Object Type: Earth Location: Wollomombi Falls, New South Wales, Australia COD: Cliff Strike Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: Marilyn's last jump is from a technically difficult waterfall. Apparently she went off unstable, caught her feet in her lines during deployment, had an off heading opening, and then experienced a wall strike. She was very much loved and respected by the community of jumpers in Brisbane and elsewhere. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 10:38 PM PDT Date: July 24, 2010 Nationality: Russian Object Type: Earth Location: Exit #6, Kjerag, Norway COD: Impact Clothes / Suit: Home made Tracking Pants and Mountain Jacket Description: Anton was a very experienced aerialist. Anton and another jumper were on exit point 6 in Kjerag Norway. A third jumper was going to do a solo behind after they landed. Anton set up on the diving board and good friend behind him for the two way... the count begins and Anton goes off doing a triple pike into a few front flips. At this stage he is at 7-8 secs still in rotation on a 12 sec to impact rock drop. He comes out at 9-10 secs still facing the wall, turns at about the 11 second mark (this is when the second jumper starts tracking away and we lose sight in video). He knows he has to pitch to not impact at 12 second mark, he pitches and gets a 180 turning to right... No time to turn away impacts hard the first time, the canopy turns around a little but is grabbed by either a branch or the rock ledge and this then smashes him in even harder, this is the blow that killed him instantly. Had Anton survived the impact, he was still hung up on wall for 7 hours as an alpine team tried to rescue him. Anton either chose to ignore, or did not think of the consequences of leaving very little separation on a big wall. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 10:34 PM PDT >> BFL #153 detailed listing (updates and pictures) << Date: July 24, 2010 Nationality: Russian Anton Knestyapin [REDIRECT]Anton Knestyapin[/REDIRECT] bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 10:23 PM PDT Date: July 25, 2010 Nationality: French Object Type: Earth Location: Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington, United States COD: Cliff Strike Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: Aude was making her first Earth jump, and from what has been reported this was her first BASE object other than the Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls, ID. There were no witnesses to the incident as the exit point is small and sloping down making it impossible to see what is going on for the any of the other jumpers ready to go. What we know is that she went slider up and her body was recovered above Jeff's Knob (See BFL Jeff Barker). Very rarely do non-wingsuiters make it past this outcropping. is that Aude opened and either had a 180 (most likely) with slow reaction time and possibly still close to the wall, or a line over causing cliff strike. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : -1C, Rain - 7:00 AM CEST Sep. 5 Posted: 04 Sep 2014 10:20 PM PDT Temperature: -1°C | Humidity: 97% | Pressure: hPa (Falling) | Conditions: Rain | Wind Direction: SE | Wind Speed: 7km/h More... |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 10:18 PM PDT >> BFL #154 detailed listing (updates and pictures) << Date: July 25, 2010 Nationality: French Aude-Marianne Beretucchi [REDIRECT]Aude-Marianne Beretucchi[/REDIRECT] bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 10:10 PM PDT Date: August 4, 2010 Nationality: German Object Type: Earth Location: Yellow Ocean, Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland COD: Cliff Strike Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: This report comes from a jumper who was with Herbert. Herbert was an experienced skydiver with 1000+ jumps and a BASE beginner. We stayed in Lauterbrunnen for some days and this was Herbert's 19th BASE jump and the first jump that day. We chose the Yellow Ocean exit because he still had slightly unstable exits and Yellow Ocean is the best spot to improve the basic skills. When he jumped he went a bit head down but was able to stabilize his position after 3 or 4 seconds. Then he made an obviously unintentional move like a beginning barrel roll to his right hand side but I'm not able to say why. Since he fell out of my sight I only could hear but not see the opening. Eye witnesses from the Air Glacier Heli base told me later he opened very low and close to the wall and had two cliff strikes immediately after opening. They didn't see any action under the canopy so he must have been knocked unconscious by the first strike. When I found him he was still alive but died in the Interlaken hospital from the severe head injuries and loss of blood. He had not been wearing a helmet and the medic said with a helmet he might have survived but maybe with brain damages, this is mere speculation. We installed a memorial at the exit also as a reminder to make us think about what we're doing prior to jump. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 09:24 PM PDT Date: August 13, 2002 Nationality: German Object Type: Earth Location: Staubbach, Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland COD: Impact ground delay too long /Camera Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: Local rescue workers say the jump is a two-way and Wolfgang is doing camera. They didn't say specifically what is the cause of the accident. As this is the second BASE fatality here in two weeks the Swiss BASE Association is asking all BASE jumpers to refrain from visiting the area as they iron out problems with authorities and the media. Update from jumper on the 2 way: Cause of the accident: stupid plan / not thinking plan: I do a 5 sec. delay Wolle wanted to film my opening if there is enough time to catch it on video jump: I did 5 sec. delay Wolle tried to film my opening and impacted during his opening (lines completely out of the pocket canopy open after impact) .once again: the mistakes are made already before the jump . doing camera = bad (not perfect) tracking : filming a 5 sec. delay incl. opening @Staubbach is not possible we had enough experience to know that before! May be an extra negative effect caused by jumping a camera system from a TV station and not his own helmet (his own helmet was much better incl. the video quality) (Bicycle helmet with a camera on the front not very stable on the head and a cable to the recorder on the belly) I thought this system looks a little bit dangerous BUT I SAID NOTHING He is missed everyday..... If you see something say something!!! I live with it everyday... bfl-footer footer BFL |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : 0C, Rain - 6:00 AM CEST Sep. 5 Posted: 04 Sep 2014 09:20 PM PDT Temperature: 0°C | Humidity: 99% | Pressure: hPa (Falling) | Conditions: Rain | Wind Direction: South | Wind Speed: 6km/h More... |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 09:16 PM PDT Date: March 30, 2014 Nationality: Canadian Object Type: Earth Location: Nose 3, Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland COD: Impact, under canopy Clothes / Suit: Normal Clothes Description: Ricki did a 5-6 second freefall and opened the canopy facing the direction of Lauterbrunnen . The canopy opened straight (facing direction Lauterbrunnen). Afterwards she didn't turn the canopy and was flying parallel to the cliff. After a few more seconds she Impacted the tallus and slid down....! REGA Arrived 8-10 Minutes later with her, but they couldn't do anything for her. bfl-footer footer BFL |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 08:41 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 08:40 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 08:39 PM PDT |
Posted: 04 Sep 2014 08:37 PM PDT |
Kandersteg, Switzerland: Current Conditions : 0C, Rain - 5:00 AM CEST Sep. 5 Posted: 04 Sep 2014 08:21 PM PDT Temperature: 0°C | Humidity: 91% | Pressure: hPa (Falling) | Conditions: Rain | Wind Direction: ESE | Wind Speed: 4km/h More... |
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